Saturday, December 13, 2008

Clojure on mac osx

1. Download java 6
--EDITOR Do not do this if you want qtJambi to work on MacOSX.
--This is because there are only 64 bit java 6 implementations for OS X, and
--Trolltech have not released 64 bit compatible libraries *yet* for OS X. They don't appear
--to be all the close at the moment, either.
--You need to use 1.5.0, which is probably installed by default *if* you are using 10.5.

go to here and link the current and currentsdk to 1.6.0

2. Set up aquamacs with slime:

Make sure to get both swank-clojure and clojure-mode from joshu's git repository

Be prepared to update the four of: clojure, swank-clojure, clojure-contrib, and slime so be sure you are get subversion/git/svn versions and can easily go into a directory and get fresh ones.

Yay! I have slime and clojure up and running!

That really wasn't very hard, now I can mess around with clojure a bit and try some things out. It is sweet, open up emacs and press f5 and there you go! I saw some errors flash by at one point but right now I don't care, the repl appears to be working (along with tab-completion of function calls).

Except now I have to remember all the emacs tricks that I have converted to vim tricks and forgotten about...

Why are emacs key bindings so crazy?

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