Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Project update

Finished the first few sections of the refactoring of the project. I believe I will eliminate about 1/4 the code through eliminating dead code and careful refactoring as well as structure the code in a way that doesn't require another dev to know everything all at the same time.

I am giving a demo of its functionality to other NVIDIA people Friday so I can show off some of the really cool features. I noticed that an artist decided to attend the demo, which means I need to think a lot harder about the presentation and the audience. I intend to give another demo to the functional programming languages group later.

I want to present a couple of things. Thinking about it now, I would like to be able to present each feature in a way that everyone at the demonstration, regardless of technical ability, can really understand why it is important.

First off, I want a few of the more impressive features of the app clearly demonstrated. The live shader editing is going to be a hit, as well as perhaps some of the user interface details. This presentation is certainly not about the graphics, however. When this super clear, thorough, and much better than I could have ever written it in my entire life tutorial is working then I will have some eye candy.

I want to talk about the architecture behind the system, especially about the really heavy usage of threads. I guess I need to talk about software transactional memory and exactly why writing really safe multithreading code is much easier with this paradigm. Which means I need to explain functional datastructures, structural sharing, and software transactional memory.

I want to show off the repl a little bit. I have emacs very lightly pimped out and I know how to use the repl, so that should be fun. Having a repl may beat having an entire IDE. This is assuming you design your systems to be run from the repl. Not sure exactly how to prove this, but I just want to make the differences in the workflows very apparent.

So why is the repl so much better?

Having the repl is like having your debugger and your source code editor always running and always checking things out. You can weave in and out of editing and checking results/debugging very fluidly; this makes the distinction between writing and testing or debugging code disappear. Furthermore, being able to write small pieces of things and test them out immediately quickens your adoption of more advanced language features. Finally, you tend to test functions quite thoroughly from the repl. It is much quicker to test them and just look at their output from the repl than it is to write a unit test, run through the failures and debug the unit test.

This had the unfortunate side effect of eliminating the testing codebase I usually write; this I am not quite as pumped about as it means another dev will need to be *much* more careful about what they are doing. Well, win some and lose some.

I wonder how hard it would be to have emacs connect up to another running process? Emacs always starts the process; it can't be all that difficult to have emacs look for a connection at a given port. I wouldn't think it would be too much code to write in your app to have it open up a connection and start whatever clojure-swank starts...

Man, clojure is cool.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how hard it would be to have emacs connect up to another running process?

On your clojure app's side do this:

(swank.swank/start-server port-file)

...where port-file is a pathname to which the swank server will write the port number that swank will listen on.

Then, from the emacs side, do M-x slime-connect. Emacs will ask for the host and then the port. If you are connecting to localhost, just leave the host alone, but give emacs the port number that swank wrote into the port-file.

(Yes, this means you can connect to a remote clojure process from SLIME. You can build swank into a deployed app and use it for remote control and debugging, assuming it's deployed in an environment where that wouldn't be a hideously bad idea to do.)